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Arts :
- F.Y.B.A.
- S.Y.B.A.
T.Y.B.A. Commerce
01] 27-05-2019 Commerce Paper IV-Introduction toManagement. 00069362
02] 28-05-2019 Commerce Paper V - Human ResourceManagement. 00071578
03] 29-05-2019 Commerce Paper VI - Export Management. 00069359
04] 04-06-2019 Commerce Paper IV-Introduction toManagement. 00069361
05] 06-06-2019 Commerce Paper V - Human ResourceManagement. 00071577
06] 07-06-2019 Commerce Paper VI - Export Management. 00069358
01] 27-05-2019 Economics Paper IV - Advanced Economic Theory. 00061245
02] 28-05-2019 Economics Paper V - Growth and Development. 00061088
03] 29-05-2019 Economics Paper VI - Indian Financial System. 00040377
04] 04-06-2019 Economics Paper IV - Advanced Economic Theory. 00061248
05] 06-06-2019 Economics Paper V - Growth and Development. 00028174
06] 07-06-2019 Economics Paper VI - Indian Financial System. 00040376
07] Economics Paper VII - Research Methodology. 00061410
08] Economics Paper VIII- International Economics Theory and Policy. 00040893
09] Economics Paper IX - Export Management. 00061005
01] 27-05-2019 Education Paper IV - Indian Education System Structure and Problem 00038960
02] 28-05-2019 Education Paper V - Communication Modes in Education. 00072511
03] 29-05-2019 Education Paper VI - Educational Evaluation. 00072471
04] 04-06-2019 Education Paper IV - Indian Education System Structure and Problem 00072512
05] 06-06-2019 Education Paper V - Communication Modes in Education. 00072473
06] 07-06-2019 Education Paper VI - Educational Evaluation. 00072472
English Literature
01] 27-05-2019 English Paper IV - British Literature 1550-1750. 00060992
02] 28-05-2019 English Paper V- English Language and Literary Criticism. 00062212
03] 29-05-2019 English Paper VI - Theory and Practice of Translation. 00060589
04] 04-06-2019 English Paper IV - British Literature 1550-1750. 00060995
05] 06-06-2019 English Paper V- English Language and Literary Criticism. 00062215
06] 07-6-2019 English Paper VI - Theory and Practice of Translation. 00060591
07] English Paper VII - Literature in English (1750-1900) 00021329
08] English Paper VIII - 20th Century Literature in English. 00040295
09] English Paper IX - American Literature (1900-1990). 00063238
01] 27-05-2019 Geography Geography of Settlement (R-2018) 00062065
02] 28-05-2019 Geography Geography of Environment & Tourism (R-2018) 00062331
03] 04-06-2019 Geography Geography of Settlement (R-2018) 00062066
04] 06-06-2019 Geography Geography of Environment & Tourism (R-2018) 00062333
05] Geography Geography of Agriculture & Disaster Management (R-2018) 00062177
06] Geography Population & Economic Geography (R-2018) 00068691
01] 27-05-2019 Hindi Paper IV - History of Hindi Literature.
02] 28-05-2019 Hindi Paper V - Post Independent Hindi Literature.(Rev) 00039195
03] 29-05-2019 Hindi Paper VI - Functional Hindi. 00025765
04] 04-06-2019 Hindi Paper IV - History of Hindi Literature. 00025616
05] 06-06-2019 Hindi Paper V - Post Independent Hindi Literature.(Rev) 00025433
06] 07-06-2019 Hindi Paper VI - Functional Hindi. 00037816
01] 27-05-2019 History Paper IV Medieval India (1000 A.D. to 1707 A. D.) 00062218
02] 28-05-2019 History Paper V - Modern India (1857-1984) 00062184
03] 29-05-2019 History Paper VI - Archaeology, Museology and Library Science 00038740
04] 04-06-2019 History Paper IV Medieval India (1000 A.D. to 1707 A. D.) 00021339
05] 06-06-2019 History Paper V - Modern India (1857-1984) 00037800
06] 07-06-2019 History Paper VI - Archaeology, Museology and Library Science 00073191
07] History Paper VII - History of Marathas. 00061001
08] History Paper VIII - Contemporary World (1945-2000 A.D.) 00040845
09] History Paper IX - Elements of Research Methodology 00037807
Marathi Literature
01] 27-05-2019 Marathi Paper IV. 00060814
02] 28-05-2019 Marathi Paper V 00060820
03] 29-05-2019 Marathi Paper VI (Rev) 00060818
04] 04-06-2019 Marathi Paper IV. 00060811
05] 06-06-2019 Marathi Paper V 00038948
06] 07-06-2019 Marathi Paper VI (Rev) 00060817
07 Marathi Paper VII 00060823
08 Marathi Paper VIII 00061127
09 Marathi Paper IX 00040351
Political Science
01] 27-05-2019 Politics Paper IV - Political Process inMaharashtra. 00069436
02] 28-05-2019 Politics Paper V - Political Thought. 00071684
03] 29-05-2019 Politics Paper VI - Major Issues inContemporary Politics. 00061967
04] 04-06-2019 Politics Paper IV - Political Process inMaharashtra. 00069437
05] 06-06-2019 Politics Paper V - Political Thought. 00071683
06] 07-06-2019 Politics Paper VI - Major Issues inContemporary Politics. 00061965
01] 27-05-2019 Psychology Paper IV - Psychological Testing and Statistics. 00069760
02] 28-05-2019 Psychology Paper V - Abnormal Psychology 00072558
03] 29-05-2019 Psychology Paper VI - Industrial and Organisational Psychology. 00073034
04] 04-06-2019 Psychology Paper IV - Psychological Testing and Statistics. 00069759
05] 06-06-2019 Psychology Paper V - Abnormal Psychology 00072557
06] 07-06-2019 Psychology Paper VI - Industrial and Organisational Psychology. 00062974
Rural Development
01] 27-05-2019 Rural Development Paper IV - Agriculture and its Significance in Rural Development. 00071338
02] 28-05-2019 Rural Development Paper V- Rural Marketing & Finance. 00038517
03] 29-05-2019 Rural Development Paper VI - Applied Agriculture. 00069193
04] 04-06-2019 Rural Development Paper IV - Agriculture and its Significance in Rural Development. 00071339
05] 06-06-2019 Rural Development Paper V- Rural Marketing & Finance. 00038519
06] 07-06-2019 Rural Development Paper VI - Applied Agriculture. 00070993
07] Rural Development Paper VII - Rural Resource Management. 00069527
08] Rural Development Paper VIII- Emergin Issues in Rural Development (REV.) 00037544
09] Rural Development Paper IX - Social Work for Rural Development. 00037556
01] 27-05-2019 Sociology Paper IV - Social Theory. 00060965
02] 28-05-2019 Sociology Paper V - Sociology of Work. 00037266
03] 29-05-2019 Sociology Paper VI - Gender & Society. 00037270
04] 04-06-2019 Sociology Paper IV - Social Theory. 00060964
05] 06-06-2019 Sociology Paper V - Sociology of Work. 00008516
06] 07-06-2019 Sociology Paper VI - Gender & Society. 00008521
07] Sociology Paper VII Urban Sociology. 00063041
08] Sociology Paper VIII - Sociology of Human Resource Development. 00061991
09] Sociology Paper IX -Research Methodology(Applied Component). 00061990
M.A. Part-I
Avesta Palhavi
Political Science
Ancient Indian History, Culture & Archaeology
Political Science
Sociology - M.A. Maths-Part-I
- M.A. Maths-Part-II
Commerce :
- F.Y.B.Com.
- S.Y.B.Com.
TY Bcom Paper
01 Business Economics. Paper III. 00037350
02 Commerce - Paper III -Marketing and Human Resource Management . 00028453
03 Financial Accounting & Auditing - Paper-III - Financial Accounting.(IDOL) (R-2016) 00071323
04 Financial Accounting & Auditing - Paper IV- Cost Accounting- Introduction and Basic Concepts(IDOL) (R-2016) 00070830
05 Financial Accounting & Auditing Paper V- Related Applied Component - Introduction to Management Accounting & Auditing.(IDOL) (R-2016) 00072145
06 Business Management - Paper III- Management & Organisation Development. 00039869
07 Business Management Paper IV - Financial Management. 00050078
08 Business Management Paper V-Marketing Management. 00001889
09 Export Marketing . 00071205
10 Marketing Research. 00071630
11 Direct and Indirect Taxes. 00072372
12 Psychology of Human Behaviour at work. 00060905
Direct and Indirect Taxes. (REV.) Additional Revised paper
01 Strategic Management. (IDOL) (R-2015) 00051100
02 Strategic Management. 00071882
03 Accountancy Paper I - Advanced Financial Accounting. 00068848
04 Accountancy Paper II - Advanced Cost Accounting. 00067979
05 Business Management Paper I -Human Resource Management (IDOL) (R-2015) 00070914
06 Business Management Paper I -Human Resource Management(OLD) 00070922
07 Business Management Paper II -Marketing Strategies and plans (IDOL) (R-2015) 00073344
08 Business Management Paper II -Marketing Strategies and plans (OLD) 00061475
Economics of Global Trade & Finance. 00059705
01 Research Methodology. 00061098
02 Accountancy Paper III - Advanced Financial Management. 00067841
03 Accountancy Paper IV - Advanced Auditing. 00063036
04 Accountancy Paper V- Direct and Indirect Tax. 00051198
05 Business Management Paper III - Organisational Behaviour. 00072960
06 Business Management Paper IV - International Marketing. 00021528
07 Business Management Paper V - Enterpreneurship Management. 00060840
Accountancy Paper V- Direct and Indirect Tax.(Rev) 00071137
- 1 PGDFM (Part-I) Yearly Pattern
- 2 PGDFM (Part-II) Yearly Pattern
- 3 PGDORM (Part-I) Yearly Pattern
- 4 PGDORM (Part-II) Yearly Pattern
- 5 PGDFM (Sem-II) Semester Pattern
- 6 PGDORM (Sem-II) Semester Pattern
Science :
- F.Y.B.Sc. (ComputerScience)
- S.Y.B.Sc. (ComputerScience)
T.Y.B.Sc. (Computer Science)
Paper I- Data Communications, Networking and Security. 00071067
Paper II - Advanced Java. 00071082
Paper III - Operating Systems and Linux. 00069999
Paper IV - DBMS II and Software Engineering. 00071017
Web Design - Paper I - Principles of Web Design and Web Technologies. 00070839
Web Design - Paper II - Net Technologies. 00071014 - M.Sc.CS-Part-I
- M.Sc.CS-Part-II
- M.Sc.(Mathematics) Part-I
- M.Sc.(Mathematics) Part-II
Technology :
- F.Y.B.Sc(I.T.)Sem-I
- F.Y.B.Sc (I.T.)(Sem-I) (Feb-2019)
- F.Y.B.Sc(I.T.)Sem-II
- S.Y.B.Sc.(I.T.)Sem-III
- S.Y.B.Sc (I.T.)(Sem-III) (Feb-2019)
- S.Y.B.Sc.(I.T.)Sem-IV
T.Y.B.Sc (I.T.) (Sem-V) Question Paper
Advanced Java. 00062318(1)
ASP Net with C #. 00062323
Linux Administration. 00062316
Network Security. 00062320
Software Testing. 00062326 -
T.Y.B.Sc(IT) (SEM-VI) Revised & Old Question Paper
Data warehousing. 00060887
Digital Signals and Systems. 00022818
Elective GIS. 00060890
Elective IPR and Cyber Laws. 00060882
Elective Project Management. 00039276
Internet Technologies. 00060894 - FYBSCNT
- M.Sc.IT Part-I
- M.Sc.IT Part-II
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