For most employment searchers, a great resume is the thing that stands between a fantasy occupation and Decision D. Get your resume right, and you'll be getting answers from each other organization you apply to.
On the off chance that your resume game is frail, however, you'll wind up lounging around for quite a long time, possibly months, before you even get a solitary reaction.
So you're most likely thinking about how you can compose a resume which prompts HR administrators welcoming you to interviews day by day.
So, You have came to write place!
Below i have wrote all the details:
1. Name, City, State, Email, LinkedIn URL, Phone.
(No hyperlinks)
2. Three job TITLES you can fulfill separated by |
3. Professional Summary:
“What” you are professionally + “who” you are in terms of personal attributes (present tense).
4. Core Competencies and Achievements:
Bullet point hard and transferable skills. Explain how you demonstrate skill (present tense) + 2 achievements (past tense; preferably quantifiable).
5. Professional Experience:
Descending chronological order.
Company name, location, job title, dates.
Bullet point key responsibilities, tasks, projects etc (past tense except current role).
6. Education:
Descending chronological order.
Degree name, University, location.
If no degree omit section, unless you attended military or cadet school.
7. Certifications:
Certification, issuing body.
8. Professional Training:
Course, school of instruction.
9. Awards:
Name of award, awarding body.
10. Volunteer Work:
Organization, location.
2 bullets of role detail.
11. Publications/Patents: [Here you can show your mca semester 6 research work]
Minimum font size 11pts.
Fonts: Times NR, Arial
Length of resume: (Should be less).
I have given you the formula; now YOU do the math!
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For most employment searchers, a great resume is the thing that stands between a fantasy occupation and Decision D. Get your resume right, and you'll be getting answers from each other organization you apply to.